What you'll find here:

This blog is a collection of vintage advertisements, posted Monday through Friday. All ads are scans from magazines in my collection (or those of my friends), so I claim no copyright over them. Remember, these ads are from bygone eras: don't get upset if you see something you don't like, nor excited if you see something you do.

If you particularly like an ad and want a hi-res copy for yourself, email or message me and I can send you one.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Campus slacks

Playboy Oct. 1968
   I think the first thing is that the girl's dress gets wet?  I guess so it gets clingy, and we can steal middle-schoolish glances at her bosom? Tee-hee!

I'd also point out that these pants are SO GOOD that they even keep his shirt and hair perfectly dry as well.
Ad text:  Pouring rain can't ruffle these Campus slacks.  Then they dry, they look like the rain never came. That's because they're fashioned from a never-iron combination of 50% Fortrel Polyester/ 50% combed cotton - and Soil Release processed.  In olive, navy, bronze, tan, brown, and the latest british tan.  And - like the girl - they're naturally tapered. Let it rain!

1 comment:

  1. She just looks SO DEJECTED. I feel bad for the poor thing. And that guy is all like: "Shoulda worn pants, doll." Jerk.
